Sunday, December 19, 2004

The Birth of Titus - Now a family of 3

Titus a new addition to our family! 12/19/04
Posted by Hello

The Birth of Titus

My due date was 12/20 but Titus decided he would come early (but not too early). On Saturday the 18th I stayed up till 12pm working on the baby's room and Rob stayed up until around 2 or 2:30am playing video games which would make it 12/19. At 2:45am I got up for my nightly visit to the potty and I had uncontrolable "pee." I was thinking this could be it! But I didn't want to get my hopes up so I tried to go back to bed (with plenty of towels underneath, just in case) I also let Rob know that I thought my water broke but I would not disturb him until we needed to leave.

At 3:30 I felt a tidal wave come out of me, and I knew that was my water breaking (good thing for the towels). I got up threw the towels in the wash and took a shower with the intention of going back to bed but when I was finished. I felt like my contractions were to close together to actually be able to sleep so I went into the living room to labor. I used the kitchen timer to time my contractions beginning at 4:15 and they were 5 mins apart and about 45-60 secs long, I kept timing myself for the hour and around 5:30 I gave my doc a call (actually it was the doc on duty) she told me to make my way to the hospital. I waited till 6:00 to wake Rob thinking he would take a 1/2 an hour to get ready... we didn't leave the house until 7:15. By then my contractions were 3 to 4 mins apart and getting stronger.

For all those that don't know I took a natural childbirthing class... and planned to have Titus naturally with no drugs of any kind.

At the hosptial they did an exam and I was at 5cm, so I walked around and tried to do the sideline position but I actually ended up hanging on Rob most of the time - or sitting on the toliet. I was able to talk in between my contractions, my sister and Mother joined us around 9:30am and we visited with them in between my contractions. Around 11:00 I started going through transistion so I kicked my Mom and sister out (they were to distracting) and Rob and I focused on making it through the pain. At 12:00 they did another check and said I was almost ready to push (yeah!) 10cm but not completely e-faced. They were waiting on the doctor to come and check me before I started pushing. The pain was well, painful so I waited but was eager to start pushing (I wanted to meet my little guy :).

Aroung 12:30 the doctor came in checked me and said that the baby was in the birth canal and I could push if I wanted to. I call this the 10 + 2 - he was on his way! So I pushed for an hour and my contractions started slowing down and weren't coming as strongly - I knew something was wrong so the docotor came back in again and said that I wasn't completely e-faced that my cervix had swollen and the baby was now at 8cm. :(

I wanted to scream at her, but mostly I wanted to bawl - I was so tired! I did cry a little, but for the next 4 hours I didn't really say very much I was tired and bummed. I toliet sat/walked/and sidelined through my contractions they were still strong to me, although I knew that they were stronger when they told me I could push. Of course we get to the 12 hour mark around 2:00 the doctor came in and started talking to us, antibotics (yuck - an IV). A contraction monitor (to see if the baby's head was to big and to measure my contractions to see if they were strong enough to get him out), and petiocin (if my contractions were not strong enough). Of course I wanted nothing to do with petiocin but said let's just put in the monitor in and then decide what to do from there. So the monitor showed that my contractions needed to be 2x's as strong so petiocin was the way to go. They started me out slow and increased the dosage as needed to get my contractions up to where they needed to be.

When the lady came in around 2:30 to put in my IV she planted the seed - you know the petiocin is going to make this more painful - are you sure you don't want an epideral? Mean lady! That is like offering a thirsty person water - of course I am tired of the pain lady! So the petiocin did make things a little more painful and I was ready to have drugs - I was tired. At 3:15 I didn't think I could stand the pain much longer so Dana (my nursed who had 2 children naturally) did a check and I was at 9cm, she & Rob kept reminding me "you are almost there just a little longer to go, you have done well you don't want the drugs, I know it is painful but you only have a little bit longer to go." To comfort me Rob kept appling a cold wash cloth to my face switching it ever contraction and of course offering me water (isn't he the greatest!).

So I kept laboring I was in a sitting kind of position like we practiced in class except I was propped up on the bed with pillows and not on my husband. At 4:00 I had had enough - I was crying the pain was intense Dana came in and checked me I was at 9 1/2 cm she said I still wasn't completely e-faced - so she would be back in 1/2 an hour. At 4:30 she came in and checked me and said I had just a little bit left. By this time I was really grunting through my contractions fighting my body telling it not to push although my whole body wanted to - I found it really hard to relax. Through my last contraction (the biggest one I had had since the petiocin) she pushed the "lip" away so that I could push. I pushed for 1 1/2 hours Titus didn't crown, instead he came out in one big push, which the doctor told me to stop pushing, but I couldn't, she literally had to catch him. He was the most beautiful thing I have ever worked so hard for :)

Titus Athanasius

Born 12/19/05 at 6:01 with a full head of hair (which still hasn't fallen out!).
He was 8lbs 5oz and 21in long.

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