Monday, June 27, 2005

Myth Buster: Infant Feedings Rice-cereal myth debunked

Besides is he crawling yet (when you keep having to say no), one of the second annoying things to be asked is - is he eating yet. So for all the solid food pushers, you know who you are :) here is an artical for you.

By Laura Flynn McCarthy from Parenting Magazine

MYTH Adding some rice cereal to your baby’s breast milk or formula will help her sleep through the night.

TRUTH A study at the Cleveland Clinic involving more than 100 babies found that adding a tablespoon of rice cereal per ounce of breast milk or formula in nighttime bottles had no effect on sleep. Plus, infants shouldn’t be given solids before they’re 4 to 6 months old, when their tongue movements develop enough for swallowing and they can sit up with little support, says Elisa Zied, spokes-person for the American Dietetic Association. (It’s also better to introduce solids with a spoon to help develop eating skills.)
Alas, middle-of-the-night feedings may be inevitable. Until about 4 to 6 months, most babies can’t hold enough food in their stomachs to last until morning. Even after 6 months, they can wake naturally throughout the night, and it may take some time before they learn how to soothe themselves back to sleep without the comfort of a breast or bottle.

Hey there Momma! I think you are so hilarious!!! "Baby Food Pushers"...You had me laughing so hard with that one!
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