Monday, June 27, 2005

Oh, The Heat

How do people live without A/C? I am misrable!!!! Ours is only kind of working so it gets up to 80 in the house right now! It is so yucky, really unmotivating! I have not done anything in the house for almost 2 weeks! Well, we have called a repair man but we are having tech issues as our condo A/C is built into side of the building. They need to clean the coil which is on the front of the unit and they can't get to it w/o removing the stuff on the building - let's just say it is complicated, and it SUCKS! Meanwhile Titus and I are suffering! IT'S HOT! I hate the heat, and Titus is developing a rash on his face from it and drool. Poor little guy. Poor Mommy.
But at least our home is nice and dark (if we want it to be) so I have been letting in little sunlight to help keep it cooler.

Our deep freeze went out this week too, so we have lost all our food :( And I am getting over a cold but having allergie sinus issues. Titus is also getting over a cold. Not a fun week!

Anyway... I have a doc apt regarding the blood work tomorrow. I won't know anything for a while probably but I will get back to everyone and let you know what they say.

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