Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Blood Work Results

In case you haven't spooken to me lately. Titus is crawling!

The blood work tests are in... My body creates to much insulin and has to, to digest my food. There will come a time when it won't be able to produce the insulin amounts that it does now and I will then have to take insulin shots if I don't get it under control now. The key is what they have been telling me for the last couple of years, diet & exercise. I might be able to get the insulin levels under control if I can lose weight and then my body will no longer produce such high levels, yada yada yada. So effective immediately I have to start doing something. I have started with food but I am so hungry so salads are a must on the menu. Exercise is the hardest challenge. But hopefully I will figure something out.

I'm glad to hear that the diagnosis can be combatted with things that are well within your control. And not to mention naturally as opposed to having to take medication. Is the insulin linked to your PCOS?
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