Tuesday, June 28, 2005
Titus Gets his 1st Tooth
Titus got his first tooth today, it finally broke through!!!!! Looking at you it is on the bottom row on the right
I was reading an article in Parenting this month entitled "Making Friends" I am quoting from it in italics. For all intents and purposes the word child is replaced with friend several times throughout this article. It is regarding shy, overwhelmed, or just unsocial children making friends. I found it interesting to read because alot of it applies to adults too. So I put this in my own guide.
I am not sure how many of you ever feel like you didn't learn the socially acceptable behaviors as a child, so here are some tips for friends of the socially awkward and for the socially awkward themselves.
The basics
1. "Learning to be a friend is a process that takes time and practice and experience...
2. It is important to have realistic expectations... during times we and our loved ones may get embarrassed and uncomfortable in situations... We wonder 'How should I respond?' or What should I do?
Helping your socially awkward friends
1. MOST IMPORTANT THING TO REMEMBER It's important to come to terms with who your friend is, with all his/her strengths and weaknesses, because its the only way they will grow and your friendship too. If you are busy trying to CHANGE your friend you’re going to set yourself up for frustration!
2. Your role as a friend is to help give your friend the tools and experience to become more comfortable with themselves and with social settings. Try to view an incident as an opportunity to guide rather than considering it a step back or a reason to end the friendship.
Understanding the Problem
1. By preschool kids are working on refining their social skills, figuring out things like how to break into a group or cope with rejection. Seeing things from another person's perspective they begin to understand why bad behavior (such as ignoring, talking behind someone’s back, lying, etc) might make a playmate upset.
2. By age 6 kids develop a more abstract and enduring sense of friendship, learning how to actually be a friend, they will see certain relationships as special with codes of conduct and benefits."
Some of us missed, skipped (didn’t have a supportive or healthy home environment – or we are copying our parents coping styles) etc these young childhood opportunities to learn – so work with us! :) When we are old and gray and have learned from ALL our mistakes – then we might be a great friend. But until then please remember no body (except Jesus, God and the like) is perfect – so cut us socially awkward people a break once in a while.
Disclaimer: The author was trying to get several points across this might not have been what she had in mind - it is my spin on this article and some of what I took from it to use in my own life.
If you would like to read the original article please click on the following link:
I am not sure how many of you ever feel like you didn't learn the socially acceptable behaviors as a child, so here are some tips for friends of the socially awkward and for the socially awkward themselves.
The basics
1. "Learning to be a friend is a process that takes time and practice and experience...
2. It is important to have realistic expectations... during times we and our loved ones may get embarrassed and uncomfortable in situations... We wonder 'How should I respond?' or What should I do?
Helping your socially awkward friends
1. MOST IMPORTANT THING TO REMEMBER It's important to come to terms with who your friend is, with all his/her strengths and weaknesses, because its the only way they will grow and your friendship too. If you are busy trying to CHANGE your friend you’re going to set yourself up for frustration!
2. Your role as a friend is to help give your friend the tools and experience to become more comfortable with themselves and with social settings. Try to view an incident as an opportunity to guide rather than considering it a step back or a reason to end the friendship.
Understanding the Problem
1. By preschool kids are working on refining their social skills, figuring out things like how to break into a group or cope with rejection. Seeing things from another person's perspective they begin to understand why bad behavior (such as ignoring, talking behind someone’s back, lying, etc) might make a playmate upset.
2. By age 6 kids develop a more abstract and enduring sense of friendship, learning how to actually be a friend, they will see certain relationships as special with codes of conduct and benefits."
Some of us missed, skipped (didn’t have a supportive or healthy home environment – or we are copying our parents coping styles) etc these young childhood opportunities to learn – so work with us! :) When we are old and gray and have learned from ALL our mistakes – then we might be a great friend. But until then please remember no body (except Jesus, God and the like) is perfect – so cut us socially awkward people a break once in a while.
Disclaimer: The author was trying to get several points across this might not have been what she had in mind - it is my spin on this article and some of what I took from it to use in my own life.
If you would like to read the original article please click on the following link:
Monday, June 27, 2005
Myth Buster: Infant Feedings Rice-cereal myth debunked
Besides is he crawling yet (when you keep having to say no), one of the second annoying things to be asked is - is he eating yet. So for all the solid food pushers, you know who you are :) here is an artical for you.
By Laura Flynn McCarthy from Parenting Magazine
MYTH Adding some rice cereal to your baby’s breast milk or formula will help her sleep through the night.
TRUTH A study at the Cleveland Clinic involving more than 100 babies found that adding a tablespoon of rice cereal per ounce of breast milk or formula in nighttime bottles had no effect on sleep. Plus, infants shouldn’t be given solids before they’re 4 to 6 months old, when their tongue movements develop enough for swallowing and they can sit up with little support, says Elisa Zied, spokes-person for the American Dietetic Association. (It’s also better to introduce solids with a spoon to help develop eating skills.)
Alas, middle-of-the-night feedings may be inevitable. Until about 4 to 6 months, most babies can’t hold enough food in their stomachs to last until morning. Even after 6 months, they can wake naturally throughout the night, and it may take some time before they learn how to soothe themselves back to sleep without the comfort of a breast or bottle.
By Laura Flynn McCarthy from Parenting Magazine
MYTH Adding some rice cereal to your baby’s breast milk or formula will help her sleep through the night.
TRUTH A study at the Cleveland Clinic involving more than 100 babies found that adding a tablespoon of rice cereal per ounce of breast milk or formula in nighttime bottles had no effect on sleep. Plus, infants shouldn’t be given solids before they’re 4 to 6 months old, when their tongue movements develop enough for swallowing and they can sit up with little support, says Elisa Zied, spokes-person for the American Dietetic Association. (It’s also better to introduce solids with a spoon to help develop eating skills.)
Alas, middle-of-the-night feedings may be inevitable. Until about 4 to 6 months, most babies can’t hold enough food in their stomachs to last until morning. Even after 6 months, they can wake naturally throughout the night, and it may take some time before they learn how to soothe themselves back to sleep without the comfort of a breast or bottle.
Oh, The Heat
How do people live without A/C? I am misrable!!!! Ours is only kind of working so it gets up to 80 in the house right now! It is so yucky, really unmotivating! I have not done anything in the house for almost 2 weeks! Well, we have called a repair man but we are having tech issues as our condo A/C is built into side of the building. They need to clean the coil which is on the front of the unit and they can't get to it w/o removing the stuff on the building - let's just say it is complicated, and it SUCKS! Meanwhile Titus and I are suffering! IT'S HOT! I hate the heat, and Titus is developing a rash on his face from it and drool. Poor little guy. Poor Mommy.
But at least our home is nice and dark (if we want it to be) so I have been letting in little sunlight to help keep it cooler.
Our deep freeze went out this week too, so we have lost all our food :( And I am getting over a cold but having allergie sinus issues. Titus is also getting over a cold. Not a fun week!
Anyway... I have a doc apt regarding the blood work tomorrow. I won't know anything for a while probably but I will get back to everyone and let you know what they say.
But at least our home is nice and dark (if we want it to be) so I have been letting in little sunlight to help keep it cooler.
Our deep freeze went out this week too, so we have lost all our food :( And I am getting over a cold but having allergie sinus issues. Titus is also getting over a cold. Not a fun week!
Anyway... I have a doc apt regarding the blood work tomorrow. I won't know anything for a while probably but I will get back to everyone and let you know what they say.
Friday, June 24, 2005
Yes this is a good thing!!!!! I am so excited for them I have a 5 year old sister who is also supper excited to have a little brother or sister in her future. For those of you that pray - PLEASE pray for this pregancy to go well! My adopted mom is not old but over the 33 age limit. Thanks everyone.
Thursday, June 23, 2005
Yah, backwards! There's our genius boy!
Anyway, he got his pictures taken today - they look really good!
I don't know why there is a huge gap?!?
Anyway, he got his pictures taken today - they look really good!
I don't know why there is a huge gap?!?
Monday, June 20, 2005
Uncle Joe & Aunti Dani Come to Dinner 6/18/05
Uncle Joe and Auntie Dani came over for dinner - we had barbque pork and beef ribs - yummy!!!! Titus & Max gotta play together while the men folk cooked dinner :) Thanks for stopping by we enjoyed the visit! :)
Auntie Dani and Max (and Joe, not pictured) come to dinner :)
Posted by Hello
Auntie Dani and Max (and Joe, not pictured) come to dinner :)
Posted by Hello
Sunday, June 19, 2005
Saturday, June 18, 2005
Blood Work
I don't know why, but life sucks right now! I am in a strange place. For all that pray - I have something going on with my blood. Maybe a liver issue. But whatever it is I am uninsurable by life insurance so I guess it is bad. I will make an appointment with my doc on Monday but I am really bummed about it. I got back the results of the blood test and I have like 7 "Highly" above the levels they should be at. I have know about 2 levels that were high but not about the other ones. I even have high cholesteral (sp?) - I don't even know how you get high cholesteral but I have it.
I am constantly thinking about what life would be like without me around so it worries me that currently I don't have a way to leave any money behind to help raise Titus. I mean hopefully I won't die until I am old and grey... and yes the many scripture passages come to mind about how God takes care of the flowers and not to worry about tomorrow (making plans) because you don't know what tomorrow will be. But they bring little comfort. You always want the best of the best for your children - growing up without a mom, a hard thing but not the end of the world, and many people do it and get through it. Husbands raising a child without the other half - it has also been done. But I know that although money could never replace me it makes things alot easier on those finances that I currently contribute too.
Anyway you would think they told me I had a week to live - at least that is how I feel. So my mighty prayer warriors please pray for peace and if it is Gods will a "we caught it now - we can fix it" verdict. And that I can obtain life insurance before I find out I am terminal (lol).
I am also pissed at my lack of anatomy education. What kinds of health classes skip the parts about how the body works? Why don't we learn more intensively (in school) about that. I was talking to an elementary teacher once and she said they get to pick between 2-4 extra subjects to teach - so the others don't get taught? What kinda crap is that! I suppose I will try to learn what I can on my own. After all I still have Dave's Stricklands Anatomy book from back when I tried to take that way to fast course.
Well, I am out - just thought I would share my pissed-off-ness with others.
Further comment on my situation:
I think I will be ok, I am just slightly depressed about it. I will let everyone know more when I talk to the doc. Didn't mean to be such a drama queen - I get that way when I am in a funk. I am probably ok - but will have to change my diet and probably more healthy things being inserted in my life. And if I had to guess more doc and more tests and eventually a medication. It is probably nothing terminal. Sorry to worry you so :) Didn't mean to do that. Will email this to everyone don't want anyone to take my dramatizing totally seriously. Just what I feel like.
I feel like Eeyore (from Winnie the pooh) like I live in a box and their is a rain cloud following me just raining on me. Ya know. One of those things. Sometimes I feel like you get everything going well in life and WHAM BAM out of nowhere an anvil drops on your head.
Anyway, I will probable be ok.
I am constantly thinking about what life would be like without me around so it worries me that currently I don't have a way to leave any money behind to help raise Titus. I mean hopefully I won't die until I am old and grey... and yes the many scripture passages come to mind about how God takes care of the flowers and not to worry about tomorrow (making plans) because you don't know what tomorrow will be. But they bring little comfort. You always want the best of the best for your children - growing up without a mom, a hard thing but not the end of the world, and many people do it and get through it. Husbands raising a child without the other half - it has also been done. But I know that although money could never replace me it makes things alot easier on those finances that I currently contribute too.
Anyway you would think they told me I had a week to live - at least that is how I feel. So my mighty prayer warriors please pray for peace and if it is Gods will a "we caught it now - we can fix it" verdict. And that I can obtain life insurance before I find out I am terminal (lol).
I am also pissed at my lack of anatomy education. What kinds of health classes skip the parts about how the body works? Why don't we learn more intensively (in school) about that. I was talking to an elementary teacher once and she said they get to pick between 2-4 extra subjects to teach - so the others don't get taught? What kinda crap is that! I suppose I will try to learn what I can on my own. After all I still have Dave's Stricklands Anatomy book from back when I tried to take that way to fast course.
Well, I am out - just thought I would share my pissed-off-ness with others.
Further comment on my situation:
I think I will be ok, I am just slightly depressed about it. I will let everyone know more when I talk to the doc. Didn't mean to be such a drama queen - I get that way when I am in a funk. I am probably ok - but will have to change my diet and probably more healthy things being inserted in my life. And if I had to guess more doc and more tests and eventually a medication. It is probably nothing terminal. Sorry to worry you so :) Didn't mean to do that. Will email this to everyone don't want anyone to take my dramatizing totally seriously. Just what I feel like.
I feel like Eeyore (from Winnie the pooh) like I live in a box and their is a rain cloud following me just raining on me. Ya know. One of those things. Sometimes I feel like you get everything going well in life and WHAM BAM out of nowhere an anvil drops on your head.
Anyway, I will probable be ok.
Wednesday, June 15, 2005
My Visit's with Aunt Danielle & My Best Friend Max
Mommy and I had a fabulous time at Auntie Dani's yestarday. We got to look at her garden, mommy got her toes painted. I think they look very pretty. Thank you auntie Dani for making mommy's toes pretty. I tried to eat Max yestarday - I love to put things in my mouth and although he is big, I just had to see what he would taste like. Although I will probably try to eat him again I think I like mommy's fingers better :) I took a long nap at auntie Dani's house it was very nice :) When I woke up we had to go shopping for dinner. I was sad to go, I wanted to try to get Max again - he is my best friend I love to play with him (but mommy promised we would come back and play outside while she plays with auntie Dani in her garden). I will hold her to that promise :)
Then we went and got dinner at Costco - mommy is like a big kid in a toy store when we go there I think she forgets that we are not rich. She got some animal crackers to munch on and some yummy b-que chicken legs and of course mac n' cheese, then we went home to make dinner for daddy. Daddy liked his dinner but he was really looking forward to chicken or pot roast which mommy said she would make latter this week (I have not had chicken or pot roast yet - looking forward to tasting that through momma's milk).
Then as if I thought the rest of my day was going to be normal, Aunt Sally came over! Aunt Sally came over to help mommy with fixing up the house (mommy is kinda dangerous with tools). Mommy put me down for a nap (I am growing big and strong this week so I need my extra sleep). She and Aunt Sally disappeared for 2 hours while I hung out with daddy. She has great plans and Aunt Sally is going to help her learn to do things by herself - isn't aunt Sally smart and very nice to do that! My Granna showed her a few things when she came to visit at the beginning of the year but momma still has a bunch to learn!
Today - I have a big day ahead of me - Mommy forgot be she has to get a bilateral ultra sound done today to make sure her milk is ok. So I get to see what this looks like - I am kind of sad because I won't get to touch all the neat machines. But that is ok I guess. Then we are planning to go back to a place called LOWE's so mommy can get some tool type supplies.
Aunt Sally is coming over again tonight so she can help mommy with some of the things they bought yestarday for the house. You won't believe who she is bringing - Reese & Malcom! I love it when Reese & Malcom come over to play - they include me in all their games and they are fun to watch run around and play. I hope I grow up to be a big boy like them some day!
Well, I am pooped and it is time for a nap before we go out. I hope everyone is doing well (mommy told me to say that - so that is from mommy). Being a little guy genius is hard!
Don't let your dipey get stinky!
To look at my pics you can click on the title of this blog and it should take you to my picture album in yahoo :) where you can order my pics or just view more. But if all of this doesn't work mommy told me to tell you to click on the link at the end - thanks! I love it that people want to look at me, mommy makes me sit for lots of pictures and lets everyone see her favorite ones, enjoy :) LOVE Titus!
Then we went and got dinner at Costco - mommy is like a big kid in a toy store when we go there I think she forgets that we are not rich. She got some animal crackers to munch on and some yummy b-que chicken legs and of course mac n' cheese, then we went home to make dinner for daddy. Daddy liked his dinner but he was really looking forward to chicken or pot roast which mommy said she would make latter this week (I have not had chicken or pot roast yet - looking forward to tasting that through momma's milk).
Then as if I thought the rest of my day was going to be normal, Aunt Sally came over! Aunt Sally came over to help mommy with fixing up the house (mommy is kinda dangerous with tools). Mommy put me down for a nap (I am growing big and strong this week so I need my extra sleep). She and Aunt Sally disappeared for 2 hours while I hung out with daddy. She has great plans and Aunt Sally is going to help her learn to do things by herself - isn't aunt Sally smart and very nice to do that! My Granna showed her a few things when she came to visit at the beginning of the year but momma still has a bunch to learn!
Today - I have a big day ahead of me - Mommy forgot be she has to get a bilateral ultra sound done today to make sure her milk is ok. So I get to see what this looks like - I am kind of sad because I won't get to touch all the neat machines. But that is ok I guess. Then we are planning to go back to a place called LOWE's so mommy can get some tool type supplies.
Aunt Sally is coming over again tonight so she can help mommy with some of the things they bought yestarday for the house. You won't believe who she is bringing - Reese & Malcom! I love it when Reese & Malcom come over to play - they include me in all their games and they are fun to watch run around and play. I hope I grow up to be a big boy like them some day!
Well, I am pooped and it is time for a nap before we go out. I hope everyone is doing well (mommy told me to say that - so that is from mommy). Being a little guy genius is hard!
Don't let your dipey get stinky!
To look at my pics you can click on the title of this blog and it should take you to my picture album in yahoo :) where you can order my pics or just view more. But if all of this doesn't work mommy told me to tell you to click on the link at the end - thanks! I love it that people want to look at me, mommy makes me sit for lots of pictures and lets everyone see her favorite ones, enjoy :) LOVE Titus!
We Have Completed Projects
Well, Sally and I got more stuff done today! We got a kitty door put in and some shelves put up in our laundry room (I think I put about 20-30 holes in the wall doing it though). But 3 new ones are up and we have 2 more to go, it got to late to do anything else... so next week Sally will be over to help me do more. I do feel like I have accomplished something and it is a good feeling. I might attempt to do the rest of the laundry room on my own now. And maybe even put up the clothes line! Then we have blinds and bigger projects to do! I am horrible with putting up blinds, but Sally is making me do the work while she watches so I am learning building on what Rob's Mom taught me when she was here. Well, I am heading for bed.
Thursday, June 09, 2005
June Update
Good morning to all! Just wanted to let everyone know how we are doing this month.
Titus is still growing big and strong my little 5 1/2 mnth old trapped in a 1 year old body :) He was sick for the first time last weekend :( poor little guy had a fever and bad diarrhea - of which he still has. I was having a nursing crisis but it is over now - it no longer hurts (yeah)! I think it was because he was teething! NO teeth yet but in time they will come out! His hair is starting to get longer again - may need his 2nd hair cut soon.
Titus had his first ouchie this month on Monday - I accidently hit his head on the end table in the living room. He let me ice it for an hour (he fell asleep - it was past his nap time) so no big bump. I also accidently dinged him with my camara yestarday after our photo jam so he got a little bump under his eye. I feel bad but I know he is ok.
Rob is doing great as far as I know :) He is getting the pain in his back managed (it has only taken a year). Is currently off of school for the summer (I am totally loving it). It is great to have him around on a daily bases, I will miss him when he goes back to school. Work is going well for him, he got invited to an BMV administrative function in DC on the bureau's dime. It looks like he will be going to DC soon (probably without me :( but that is ok). He has read several books since schools been out (I think around 15-20). So he is catching up on all his reading.
I totally love being at home! I am working for Andy Douglass at his sell pack and ship ebay store - from home! It is great because I can balance work and Titus which is great for Titus because I get to pay attention to him. He has become alot more vocal this month letting me know more loudly when he wants or does not want something!
As a family we started baby sign language class 3 weeks ago, Titus has stated imitating the milk sign (although he doesn't know what it is used for yet). We may be starting solids this month - he is very interested in eating but because of all my allergies I have been holding off solids. When I was going through my breast thing we did try cereal which he had 2 times - he did great with it and was eager for more...
Life is good right now for the most part. Our transmission went out on our car :( but other than that life is good! We are currently kind of looking for a second car (in the $1500.00 range). So if you know anyone selling a 4 door runs good car - let me know.
Hope everyone is doing great - drop me a line in email or in the comments if you want!
See above and below of pictures I took yestarday in our photo session! Click on the June link for more pictures :)
Titus is still growing big and strong my little 5 1/2 mnth old trapped in a 1 year old body :) He was sick for the first time last weekend :( poor little guy had a fever and bad diarrhea - of which he still has. I was having a nursing crisis but it is over now - it no longer hurts (yeah)! I think it was because he was teething! NO teeth yet but in time they will come out! His hair is starting to get longer again - may need his 2nd hair cut soon.
Titus had his first ouchie this month on Monday - I accidently hit his head on the end table in the living room. He let me ice it for an hour (he fell asleep - it was past his nap time) so no big bump. I also accidently dinged him with my camara yestarday after our photo jam so he got a little bump under his eye. I feel bad but I know he is ok.
Rob is doing great as far as I know :) He is getting the pain in his back managed (it has only taken a year). Is currently off of school for the summer (I am totally loving it). It is great to have him around on a daily bases, I will miss him when he goes back to school. Work is going well for him, he got invited to an BMV administrative function in DC on the bureau's dime. It looks like he will be going to DC soon (probably without me :( but that is ok). He has read several books since schools been out (I think around 15-20). So he is catching up on all his reading.
I totally love being at home! I am working for Andy Douglass at his sell pack and ship ebay store - from home! It is great because I can balance work and Titus which is great for Titus because I get to pay attention to him. He has become alot more vocal this month letting me know more loudly when he wants or does not want something!
As a family we started baby sign language class 3 weeks ago, Titus has stated imitating the milk sign (although he doesn't know what it is used for yet). We may be starting solids this month - he is very interested in eating but because of all my allergies I have been holding off solids. When I was going through my breast thing we did try cereal which he had 2 times - he did great with it and was eager for more...
Life is good right now for the most part. Our transmission went out on our car :( but other than that life is good! We are currently kind of looking for a second car (in the $1500.00 range). So if you know anyone selling a 4 door runs good car - let me know.
Hope everyone is doing great - drop me a line in email or in the comments if you want!
See above and below of pictures I took yestarday in our photo session! Click on the June link for more pictures :)